Call for Prayer

Church groups are asking all folk to join in prayer at 7pm on Sunday evenings.

Last Sunday, thousands of people across the UK answered the call to pray at the same time in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Following positive feedback from last week's prayer initiative, a further letter has been signed by 13 Christian organisations across Scotland, including the Church of Scotland. The letter states: "We pray in solidarity with those across Britain and Ireland and in solidarity with those across the world who face the challenge that the Covid-19 pandemic brings." The Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said: "When so much is not normal how lovely it can be to come together at 7pm each Sunday and have a few moments in which we can pray together. Let me encourage you to keep hope alive and join with us in prayer." Churches Together in England will also be continuing to pray each Sunday at 7pm and will be using the #prayersofhope to share the message on social media. 

Joint prayer:

We turn to you, our Father, for we need your help.
Lord Jesus, as you have promised, be with us, whatever lies ahead,
Strengthen us, Holy Spirit, as we face this together.
We pray for our world and our country,
as coronavirus threatens our lives and our livelihood, leaving many in lockdown,
while key workers continue, despite the risk.
We pray for government leaders at Westminster and Holyrood,
responding to medical and scientific advice,
making tough decisions for the wellbeing of all.
We pray for all who serve on the frontline in the NHS and in social care;
facing increasing numbers, overstretched resources
and distressing human need.
Bless those who are ill, those who are alone and afraid,
those exhausted looking after their family, those worried for the vulnerable,
those fearful for their finances, those shut in to their fears.
Thank you for those who have returned from retirement to help,
or joined the volunteer army.
Thank you for those working:
to manufacture needed resources,
to find a vaccine,
to keep in contact with the isolated,
to encourage others at this time.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Give us faith, hope and love and hear our prayers,
in Jesus' name. Amen.


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